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Monday, August 22, 2011

Meat Shops Make Animals Seem a Delicious Food Only: Meat Eaters Like and Others Dislike This Show of Skinless Flesh and Blood: It Harms the Tender and Sensitive People Even to See It

Alex PachecoImage via Wikipedia

Yes, indeed the Meat Shops Make Animals Seem a Delicious Food Only: Meat Eaters Like and Others Dislike This Show of Skinless Flesh and Blood: It Harms the Tender and Sensitive People Even to See All of It, and we also seem to see all of it as if silent because people may say that we do not like this modern change in which eating meat is a fashion for taste. In a Sikh says that eating meat is not good for natural world, many object and react to it as a backward or ancient ideals and thoughts that does not allow people to develop and get the very modern people. Alas!

I was reading the following appeal at Facebook shared at the Angles for Animals and felt that we can think with some other points that human-animal need attention:

"... Start a legislative campaign to ban circuses and other traveling exhibits in your town or county. This has already happened in a number of towns, and it can happen in yours! Contact PETA for a circus ordinance pack... (With thanks from the source: http://www.facebook.com/groups/185139404883955/doc/189356407795588/)

I fully agree but also disagree at it. Where I disagree has a reason. We have meat shops where all people including the children, young and aged people look at the hanging bodies of dead animals. It shows flesh only, yes the flesh with skin. Most of the people, who eat meat feel really happy seeing it as if a place of delicious foods. It is very natural and thus we do not need to say a lot about it.

The others, who do not eat it also feel bad as they can see dead bodies of animals without skin and blood and flesh making one feel sick. Its a great sickness to see it in country like India. These are not packed but given as freshly cutting the dead body of the animals. The part of the dead animal body is cut into pieces on demand, and thus one can buy. The cruelty in it is that some people cannot even see it. Once I saw and and then never ever had eaten meat from my childhood.

Please pause and think about it.

Thanks! Please share it if it seems considerable. Thanks again!

P.S.: I have to yet read about what Peta is doing opening some new sites or the websites! Thanks!
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